Tobacco has presented a significant challenge to the public since the discovery of its harmful effects. Tobacco causes a number of problems such as: respiratory diseases, cancers and various negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Smoking is the number one cause of preventable deaths in Australia. Often overlooked due to the more direct threat of respiratory diseases and lung cancer, smoking has considerably adverse effects on the body's' cardiovascular system and presents a very real and significant threat to the user.
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If your son or daughter is a budding ballet dancer, you've likely heard and seen the benefits ballet can offer. From increasing strength and agility to developing concentration and rhythm, this style of dance can be great for a child's mind and body. However, when your child starts to reach more elite levels of dance, you'll start to see problems as well as benefits arising out of their training. That's why incorporating regular physiotherapist visits into your child's regime is so important.
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Immunisations are a hot-button topic across the western world these days, and medical professionals and political pundits alike strive to deliver their opinions on this complex healthcare issue. Everybody's views on the ethics of immunisation are different - but there are some facts that medical professionals agree on almost universally. For starters, vaccinating yourself and your family against disease is a smart choice, and can help to eradicate serious illnesses from the global community.
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Influenza, or flu as it's usually commonly called, is a pretty unpleasant virus to have. Some people claim to have the flu every time they get a common cold, but, while colds aren't very nice, they won't usually have you as ill as the flu will. With actual flu, you can expect stiff and achy muscles, a fever and high fatigue on top of the usual cold symptoms.
For most people, as nasty as it is, the flu isn't a serious condition.
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Receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis is a daunting prospect for many men that only becomes more worrying when you're facing surgery. Most men who require an operation undergo a radical prostatectomy, which involves removing the prostate and some of the surrounding organs and lymph nodes to reduce the risk of the cancer spreading to other areas. By learning more about the different types of procedures in advance, the process may become less worrying.
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